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Chris Lewis

Cookies and Code Website

A website for the Tulane computer science club. The website is a place for students to learn about the club, upcoming events, and to get involved. The event information is pulled from a Google Drive and stored in a postgres database.

Club Website

Project Overview

Cookies & Code is a unique platform that combines the world of programming with engaging community events. It offers a range of activities, from coding workshops to game development sessions, catering to a variety of interests and skill levels. Its vibrant community is supported by dedicated organizers who facilitate events and meetings, fostering a supportive environment for learning and collaboration.

The website employs a system to track user participation and upcoming events and meetings. This system not only helps in organizing and updating event schedules but also allows users to track their attendance and engagement with various activities. Through user profiles and activity logs, participants can easily keep an eye on their involvement and upcoming opportunities, ensuring they don't miss out on valuable community gatherings and learning sessions. This feature enhances the user experience by providing a personalized approach to event participation and community engagement.

Cookies & Code effectively manages event information by automating the process of pulling data from Google Drive and storing it in a PostgreSQL database. This streamlined approach ensures that event details are always up-to-date and easily accessible to website users. By leveraging the power of Google Drive for initial data input and organization, and PostgreSQL for secure and robust data storage, Cookies & Code can efficiently manage its events calendar, providing a seamless user experience for those looking to participate in coding workshops and community gatherings.

Check out the GitHub page using the link below! The GitHub link is from the last public release but does not necessarily reflect the current state of the hosted site.

Tools Used
