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Chris Lewis

Smart Agriculture

The SmartAgriculture project is an embedded software solution for automated plant care, developed using the Arduino framework. It is designed to automatically water and nourish household plants by monitoring their humidity and light levels. This project, created for COMP4447_COMP5047, exemplifies the integration of technology in smart agriculture.

Project Overview

The Smart Agriculture project, developed for COMP4447_COMP5047, is a testament to innovative applications in smart agriculture. It focuses on creating an automated system for caring for household plants using the Arduino framework. This project demonstrates my ability to integrate technology with everyday life, making plant care effortless and more efficient.

My role involved developing embedded software that intelligently monitors and responds to the specific needs of plants. By measuring humidity and light levels, the system can determine the optimal watering and nutrient schedule for each plant. This process involves complex programming in JavaScript, Python, and C++, showcasing my proficiency in multiple programming languages.

The implementation required meticulous adjustments in the UserInterface and Backend settings, as well as the integration of an OpenAI key. The setup process was carefully documented, ensuring ease of replication and modification. The project also involved installing and running various Python scripts, demonstrating my skills in software development and system configuration.

This project highlights my ability to create practical, user-friendly solutions while tackling the challenges of modern agriculture. It not only showcases my technical expertise but also my commitment to sustainability and innovation. Through SmartAgriculturePublic, I have contributed to simplifying plant care, bringing advanced technology into everyday use.

Check out the GitHub page using the link below!

Tools Used
